Rubberized Abrasives
GRIT TEXTURES Each MAtz size and shape is made in four standard Grit Textures or compositions which differ in accordance with the mesh size of the abrasive grain used. (C) COARSE: Green, (M) MEDIUM: Dark Brown, (F) FINE: (Reddish Brown), (XF) EXTRA FINE: Grey Green. MATZ STANDARD BOND The MATZ bond common to each of the four Grit Textures is made with premium grade oil-resistant chemical rubber. In contrast to conventional grinding wheels the MATZ bond has unique cushioned action...cuts freely, smoothly and softly without gouging or digging into the work surface. It resists clogging or smearing, and is ideal for a broad range of applications where metallic or non-metallic surfaces must be smoothed and polished without loss of dimensional tolerances or control. BASIC APPLICATIONS <#ff6347>LIGHT DEBURRING and smoothing to relieve stress concentrations and to remove visible and microscopic burrs without impacting surrounding areas. <#ff6347>SMOOTHING and polishing to improve wearing qualities and to reduce the dangers of progressive fracture and fatigue failure. <#ff6347>CLEANING and polishing to remove undesirable surface deposits. <#ff6347>POLISHING and smoothing to improve performance, appearance, cleanliness and to lessen the dangers of surface contamination.
Blocks & Sticks
Points & Mandrels